Kolkata Kids International Pre School

Return Policy

Go through the Return Policy before placing your order. If you agree below mentioned return policy, order the product

  1. If there is any defect, we provide replacement make sure you have not used the product at all. All materials have to be as it is in case of returns.
  2. You should Pack the entire kit as it is and Courier it to our address (7/3, Green Park, Nilgunj Road, Rathtala, Kolkata-700056) you have to bear courier charges.
  3. You have to return entire kit within 3 working days of receiving and send courier receipt to kolkatakids.school@gmail.com
  4. After receiving all the materials safely, we will again dispatch your order again.
  5. We do not have Branch or Affiliates or resellers. Make sure you order products only on this website (kolkatakids.co.in) or direct from our school (Kolkata Kids International School).